May 30th: House of Cow 2.0

I’m not sure that I have mentioned that my divorce finalization and final day at my last job ended up being on the same day. It wasn’t intentional. I had picked a last day two weeks out but the HR combine asked me to stay a couple more days for an exit interview. 


On the last day, I sat at the lab/office for most of the day waiting for an HR call. Eventually it was determined that the combine had changed its mind and didn’t want to talk. So I met my manager and handed in the laptop, keys, ID and phone. And I walked myself out. When I got home that day the divorce papers had arrived in the mail.

I mention this today because we bought a new trailer today, one large enough that Georgia and I could live in full time. Eventually. It’s also the day the media embargo ended for the thing I spent the last few years working on. I’m not sure what it means but It’s a strange synchronicity. 

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