Devil Bug
Apparently dogs aren’t welcome at Florida rest stops.
Georgia was concerned that I would fall in the toilet when we finally got setup at camp.
I forgot how hard it is to find good food outside of metropolitan areas.
Devil Bug
Apparently dogs aren’t welcome at Florida rest stops.
Georgia was concerned that I would fall in the toilet when we finally got setup at camp.
I forgot how hard it is to find good food outside of metropolitan areas.
Not much to say about today. Lots of driving.
Today Georgia walked the French Quarter. I had another ‘you’ve spent too much time at Disney when…’ moment as I was constantly associating buildings to New Orleans Square.
For the record, good things do not come from Sysco. I spent the evening with a friend and observed his vet give the pup acupuncture to help with a nerve condition. Anything that helps. Then I stuffed my face with local Mexican food.
Today we threw the ball but Georgia wasn’t that into it because of the humidity and heat.
I also installed the dash cam and phone mount in the truck.
And we took a nap! Sometimes it’s really hard to just do nothing but I’m making progress.
Today Georgia approved of beignets.
And we watched folks fly.
The sunsets are better than the flying termites.
Today we fixed the angling of the trailer. It’s pretty much level now.
Driving is a lot more pleasant with this vehicle.
We settled in the Bayou.
Today I finally left Texas. But not without Texas putting up a fight.
Other fun things: two trips to the registration office and an inspection of the trailer.
But, I haves the plate!
And we made it out of Texas.
With a couple bugs.
Today I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get the safety chains attached. The hitch is different and most trailer places didn’t know what to do.
Six stops later I had the right attachment. (Since been adjusted further).
Georgia is obsessed with chickens.
And we experienced a pretty crazy thunderstorm.
Today the dealership completed the spray liner and I installed a toolbox in the truck. I exchanged my California ID for a Texas license and worked on getting the trailer registered and ready to move on.
Unfortunately I have to go get it weighed at a commercial scale because California doesn’t put the weight on a title.
Still trying to get the weight distribution correct as well.
Today we completed Cow transport enhancements. I traded in the F-150 for a F-250. The new truck is heavier than my tiny trailer and this will improvise road feel for towing for 8 to 10 hours a day.
I’m also more than doubling my towing capacity and should get better milage (Diesel). The new truck has adaptive cruise control, forward collision/lane keeping, the blindspot system extends to the trailer. There are also better headlights and automatic wipers… basically making continuous driving better.
It’s also Georgia approved.
Today I almost bought a more capable tow vehicle. Tomorrow I’ll provably do it.
Today we helped build a chicken coop.
And Cow met cows.
Today we fixed a golf cart. And acid etched the concrete unintentionally.
And discovered the insanity of Texas (or my assumptions) where camo wearing men take their wives to see drag queens. And people freely tell you how Texas is the best country in the USA.
Today we are visiting my parents in Galveston, TX.
Georgia tried to ride a golf cart.
We also looked at some fish.
And I visited Pleasure Pier which is not at all related to Pixar Pier.
Today Georgia and I are visiting Shelby and Mike (my brother) outside of Houston.
Today Wednesday, April 24th was a bit of a mess.
It was moist outside.
It was moist inside.
Forgetting to remove the sink stopper before trying (unsuccessfully) to clear the gray water tank sensors was not one of my brightest moments. After a day with a shop-vac and damprid things seem to be okay. It’s pretty tight in here when you can’t go outside without getting soaked. Georgia did get a chance to play ball during an interlude in the deluge.
The evening was a reminder to appreciate everything, every person and every moment.
I think I might get more value out of returning to a format I used once before where i made a post everyday no matter if I did anything particularly interesting.
But first to catch up I’m now in Austin, Texas after a stop in Santa Fe to check out Meow Wolf, a visit to Meteor Crater, a tour though White Sands National monument and a night sleeping in a rest stop because I tried to rush through the nothingness of west Texas.
While leaving Flagstaff you must see the Impact:
Then it was time for New Mexico. We made an overnight pitstop in Grants before making it to Santa Fe. The KOA there might need a new copywriter.
Santa Fe was a neat town, I didn’t expect it to have such a heavy art influence. I had a chance to see some old friends, fight with a evil credit card reader on a washing machine and check out Meow Wolf. House of Eternal Return a bit hard to explain but definitely worth taking a visit to. One of my favorite things was the signage on areas that Guests weren’t authorized to enter. Strange details make things fun.
After we left Santa Fe we stopped in Alamogordo, NM to check out White Sands National Monument.
We then continued on to possibly the least enjoyable part of the trip so far, West Texas. I tried to drive through to Austin but only made it within 125 miles. That’s a 531 mile trip in one day going no more than 62 MPH. I started to feel exhausted and we parked at a rest stop and slept for a good 8 hours before continuing on. Naturally, I can’t get away from ‘Star Trek’ either.
That brings us to Austin. We spent a couple days at a small RV park in South Austin and are now hanging out a few miles out of the city at a quieter location for a few more days. There’s a lot to see here and Georgia even stepped into a lake!
Today I’m in Flagstaff, AZ by way of Las Vegas. Current trajectory is Santa Fe.
The week in Las Vegas was a bookend to everything that happened in the last year and it was great to see old friends. Still, a week in Vegas is a bit much. Georgia spent some time at a boarding outfit where they don’t have cages and the dogs play as a community all day.
We also had lunch with a Canadian friend who had never been to Fremont Street. For being such a nervous dog sometimes, Georgia was a natural tourist.
While in Vegas I finished installation of a crappy backup camera. Most of these devices are ‘chinese specials’ and this was the least bad unit I could find. I’m tempted to replace the Wi-Fi unit with a Raspberry PI if I can find a decent USB input card. I’ll eventually make a write up of all the mods.
The hotdog while driving trick is helping Georgia get a bit more comfortable.
Which was good because a high wind advisory made driving to Flagstaff pretty white knuckle. The speed limit was 75 for a majority of the route but I kept around 55 because the wind was throwing the trailer and truck around.
The heater cover again popped out of place but no other significant damage this leg.
Still, 16 MPG isn’t that bad for a significant elevation change. So far it seems like we can travel about 2 hours before needing to stop.
Silverwood Lake State Recreation Area is a reservoir in San Bernardino County, California. I had never heard of the place but it looked interesting after searching for state campsites with availability. And this week John and Omar joined us to celebrate John’s birthday!
The trip started with a provisions stop. I still haven’t got the temperature sensor to work quite like I want. And I learned there is a parameter I can change on the truck via the OBD port to enable ‘secure idle.’ This allows the truck to be on but it won’t shift out of park until I return with the passive entry key. This means I could leave the truck on to operate AC for Georgia without worrying someone could drive her away.
Georgia protects the car while we purchased supplies.
Driving into the lake, you transition from I-15 to a two lane windy and hilly road that tested the capabilities of the sway control hitch. Thankfully everything was fine. After driving up a steep hill you’re presented with a view of the reservoir before diving back down into the trees. The campsites were about 2 miles away from the lake by car, but we later found a walking path that was a bit shorter. Thankfully, the environment was much quieter and Georgia didn't as frequently feel the need to protect everyone.
The lake must be in an underused cell because the internet was faster than cable internet at home.
The week at the lake mostly encompassed eating grilled food, walking around the lake and slowing the pace of life. On John’s birthday we rented a pontoon boat and explored the water.
My favorite discovery was S.S. Relief, a floating toilet.
Georgia was surprisingly okay with the boat ride until the wind started to pickup. The ride back into the dock was a bit choppy.
We were able to confirm that Georgia still likes water too.
Georgia being a happy cow.
It’s the end of our first week on the road. The location here in San Diego is beautiful. I also hear the city is beautiful. Unfortunately I didn’t really get a chance to explore much. Instead we focused on “Quiet” and “Look at me” Georgia’s two new commands.
Meet AlphaCow™
While at the campsite or in the trailer, Georgia freaks out anytime she hears another dog. Barking, growling even lungling (with a wagging tail, strangely enough). When we walk around the campsite she is friendly and has no issues with other dogs.
I want her to be comfortable and I can’t leave her alone in this stress state. We tried a number of remedies this week:
Chamomile calming treats
Jazz music
Extensive exercise
Kong with liquified cheese bacon treat inside
Nothing really solved the stress. The one thing that is working about 75% of the time is keeping treats nearby and distracting her when she starts to get agitated. She gets a treat for making eye contact with me “look at me” and listening to the command “quiet.” She can be completely asleep and will wake up to protect.
I haven’t been able to leave her unattended at all. Thankfully John came down to visit for a couple days. He baked cupcakes in the trailer and we filmed it for an application to a Netflix cooking show.
John bakes in the convection microwave.
Not being able to leave the campsite without taking Georgia along, I started to do some modifications. I installed a LTE booster and permanently mounted the cellular modem. It’s kind of incredible how crappy the assembly work is by Forest River. Build em fast and cheap. I have also been troubleshooting issues with the tank sensors (cleaning them over and over) and haven’t had much luck getting that fixed.
By far the best part of this week was Georgia discovering she’s a lab and rushing into the bay to retrieve the ball. Georgia doesn’t like water and doesn’t like the car. Or didn’t like water. Now she does!
The next stop is Silverwood Lake.